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  • georgesong 8:52 pm on April 20, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: brian bantum, , , electric, , , , ibanez, kathryn scott, , , , , , women, women's night of worship   

    worship setlist @ women’s N.O.W. – 2010.04.17… 

    viv was invited by the worship leading phenom, gail song bantum (who has a cool maiden last name, might i add… and totally appropriate/awesome when you’re a worship leader!) to help with quest‘s 2nd women’s n.o.w. (n.ight o.f w.orship).

    i was really excited for viv to get involved with this event b/c it had been several years since she had last led worship/been involved w/ the worship ministry at her old church, evangelical chinese church, a.k.a. e.c.c. (though we had just guest-led the previous weekend @ s.c.c.), and more importantly, because i know how gifted and passionate she is about singing and praising God with the talent He has blessed her with!
    they had a rock-solid group of ladies helping w/ the worship band and pastor deanza dropping some serious logic centering on the theme of “identity.” and at the last minute brian bantum + i stepped in to help out on bass + electric guitar, respectively (though they brilliantly rocked the joint they really didn’t need us!). thanks for helping me not be the only guy in the house that night, brian! 😉

    opening set:

    • hungry (falling on my knees) [key of C] by kathryn scott
    • all who are thirsty [key of C] by brenton brown & glenn robertson
    • how He loves me (chorus only) [key of C] by john mark mcmillan
    • You are good [key of G] by kari jobe
    • You are for me [key of G] by kari jobe

    closing set:

    • i belong [key of E] by kathryn scott
  • georgesong 7:56 pm on April 13, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: adult, almost legal, , , electric, english congregation, , , , leah klug, , , , , seattlechurch.org, sinners and saints, , u-district, , washington korean presbyterian church, wkpc, ,   

    worship setlist @ SCC – 2010.04.11 [guest leading w/ vivien]… 

    vivien + i were invited by seattle community church (http://seattlechurch.org <- how did they score THAT url?!?!) to guest lead on the 11th.

    a beautiful sunday morning in laurelhurst!

    after getting my feet wet by leading the Q kids in worship on easter, it was now time to face the adults!
    it was cool to worship alongside this community and even cooler to see some of their congregation members that i had first met almost 13+ years ago when my brother was the youth/worship pastor at washington korean presbyterian church (wkpc). matter of fact, my brother had just guest led there before me so they were given a double-dose of the “song” brothers!
    so amazing to see how much people, their lives have changed but strangely seemed to have stayed the same.
    got a chance to worship alongside some blessed/talented worshippers/musicians.

    a BIG shout out to jin for his amazing shredding skillz… still got it after all these years and to pastor leah for coming alongside and supporting us. it felt SO good and SO right to have church and seeing her presence there! we miss you sorely! 😦

    and folks, if you’re ever in the u-dist area and want to check out an awesome person of God and a church doing some kick A stuff, swing by sinners + saints church! hopefully they’ll invite me to guest lead one of these sundays now that they’re almost legal!

    …am nervous about this coming sunday and leading at Q for the first time since 01/04/2009. have some preparation and prayer to do!

    opening set:

    • hosanna (praise is rising) [key of G] by brenton brown & paul baloche
    • revelation song [key of D -> E] by jennie lee riddle
    • holy, holy, holy [key of C] by reginald heber &  john b. dykes
    • You are holy [key of C] by george song

    closing set:

    • mighty to save [key of A] by ben fielding & reuben morgan
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